Our 2024 programme has been designed primarily around our key objectives of ‘building relationships and ‘educational empowerment’.

Building relationships – To encourage more conversations between advisers, lenders and other stakeholders to tackle the challenges facing the industry and work together to overcome them.

Educational empowerment – To empower all advisers who support older customers with the comprehensive knowledge and understanding of later life lending products and advice strategies.

To achieve this, the programme will focus on six core competencies which we believe the sector needs to master to advise consumers effectively and responsibly:

Know your industry

Know your market

Know your clients

Know your soft skills

Know your processes

Know your products

The agenda - All timings are subject to change and some sessions are restricted to ticket types/invitation.

  • 0900 -  1000: Registration, breakfast refreshments and exhibition
  • 1000  -  1010: Welcome addresses
  • 1010   -  1100: Regulatory panel
  • 1100   -  1115: Coffee break and exhibition
  • 1115    -  1245: Breakout sessions (three streams)
  • 1245  -  1345: Lunch and exhibition
  • 1345  -  1515: Breakout sessions (three streams)
  • 1515   -  1530: Coffee break
  • 1530  -  1600: Closing session – key learnings from the day
  • 16:00 -  17:00: Networking drinks reception

Opening Plenary - Reflections and Innovations: Evolving the later life customer experience

Zoe Burns Shore, Executive Director for Customer Delivery, Money and Pensions Service
Keith Richards, Chief Executive, Consumer Duty Alliance
Ken Rose, Ombudsman, Financial Ombudsman Service

Facilitated by:
Michelle Highman, Equity Release Council Standards Committee Chair and Chief Executive of The Money Charity

In this session, we will explore key developments in the financial services sector over the past twelve months, including critical regulatory changes and consumer trends. Our expert panel will reflect on lessons learned from the introduction of the Consumer Duty, sharing insights on how these have impacted the customer journey. Looking forward, we will discuss innovative strategies to integrate mortgages, equity release, and broader financial planning to enhance the later life customer experience. Join us for a forward-thinking conversation on the evolving needs of this important demographic and how the sector can better serve later life customers.

Delivery format - The programme will be delivered via various dynamic formats including:

  • Keynote addresses
  • Panel discussion
  • Lightning talks
  • Roundtable discussions
  • Q&A
  • Case studies

Speakers -The programme will be delivered by a range of expert speakers, including regulatory and consumer specialists, and later life lending professionals from across the customer journey. All of which will be supported by familiar faces from both the Council and AMI teams.

Don’t miss a thing - Additionally, the core breakout stream ‘Advice in Action’ will be delivered twice via two delegation groups, enabling standard attendees to access all of the key content on the day.

CPD  accredited

2023 programme highlights

Take a look at some of the highlights from the Equity Release Adviser Summit 2023.